Publications (peer reviewed)
Preprint Graffeuille, O and Lehmann, M. K. and Allan, M. and Wicker, J. and Koh, Y. S., Lake by Lake, Globally: Enhancing Water Quality Remote Sensing with Multi-Task Learning Models. Available at SSRN:
2024 Graffeuille, O., Koh, Y.S., Wicker, J., & Lehmann, M.K. Remote sensing for water quality: A multi-task, metadata-driven hypernetwork approach. Proc. 33rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence AI for Good, 7287-7295,
2023 Shao, Z., Bryan, K.R., Lehmann, M.K., & Pilditch, C.A. Extracting Remotely Sensed Water Quality Parameters from Shallow Intertidal Estuaries. Remote Sensing, 15, 11
2023 Shao, Z., Bryan, K.R., Lehmann, M.K., Flowers, G.J.L., & Pilditch, C.A. Scaling up benthic primary productivity estimates in a large intertidal estuary using remote sensing. Science of the Total Environment, 167389,
2023 Lehmann, M.K. et al. GLORIA - A globally representative hyperspectral in situ dataset for optical sensing of water quality. Scientific Data, 10, 100,
2023 Kelly, L.T., Reed, L., Puddick, J., Hawes, I., Hicks, B.J., Allan, M.G., Lehmann, M.K., & Wood, S.A. Growth conditions impact particulate absorption and pigment concentrations in two common bloom forming cyanobacterial species. Harmful Algae, 125, 102432,
2022 Werther, M., Odermatt, D., Simis, S.G.H., Gurlin, D., Lehmann, M.K., Kutser, T., Gupana, R., Varley, A., Hunter, P.D., Tyler, A.N., & Spyrakos, E. A Bayesian approach for remote sensing of chlorophyll-a and associated retrieval uncertainty in oligotrophic and mesotrophic lakes. Remote Sensing of Environment, 283, 113295,
2022 Schütt, E.M., Lehmann, M.K., Hieronymi, M., Dare, J., Krasemann, H., Hitchcock, D., Platt, A., Amai, K., & McKelvey, T. Dataset of five years of in situ and satellite derived chlorophyll a concentrations and its spatiotemporal variability in the Rotorua Te Arawa Lakes, New Zealand. Data in Brief, 40, 107759,
2022 Pahlevan, N., Smith, B., Alikas, K., Anstee, J., Barbosa, C., Binding, C., Bresciani, M., Cremella, B., Giardino, C., Gurlin, D., Fernandez, V., Jamet, C., Kangro, K., Lehmann, M.K., Loisel, H., Matsushita, B., Hà, N., Olmanson, L., Potvin, G., Simis, S.G.H., VanderWoude, A., Vantrepotte, V., & Ruiz-Verdù, A. Simultaneous retrieval of selected optical water quality indicators from Landsat-8, Sentinel-2, and Sentinel-3. Remote Sensing of Environment, 270, 112860,
2022 Graffeuille, O., Koh, Y.S., Wicker, J., & Lehmann, M.K. Semi-supervised Conditional Density Estimation with Wasserstein Laplacian Regularisation. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36, 6746-6754,
2022 Westerhoff, R., McDowell, R., Brasington, J., Hamer, M., Muraoka, K., Alavi, M., Lovett, A., Ruru, I., Miller, B., Hudson, N., Lehmann, M., Herpe, M., King, J., Moreau, M., & Ausseil, O. Towards implementation of robust monitoring technologies alongside freshwater improvement policy in Aotearoa New Zealand. Environmental Science & Policy, 132, 1-12,
2021 Pahlevan, N., Mangin, A., Balasubramanian, S.V., Smith, B., Alikas, K., Arai, K., Barbosa, C., Bélanger, S., Binding, C., Bresciani, M., Giardino, C., Gurlin, D., Fan, Y., Harmel, T., Hunter, P., Ishikaza, J., Kratzer, S., Lehmann, M.K., Ligi, M., Ma, R., Martin-Lauzer, F.-R., Olmanson, L., Oppelt, N., Pan, Y., Peters, S., Reynaud, N., Sander de Carvalho, L.A., Simis, S., Spyrakos, E., Steinmetz, F., Stelzer, K., Sterckx, S., Tormos, T., Tyler, A., Vanhellemont, Q., & Warren, M. ACIX-Aqua: A global assessment of atmospheric correction methods for Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 over lakes, rivers, and coastal waters. Remote Sensing of Environment, 258, 112366,
2021 Jiang, D., Matsushita, B., Pahlevan, N., Gurlin, D., Lehmann, M.K., Fichot, C.G., Schalles, J., Loisel, H., Binding, C., Zhang, Y., Alikas, K., Kangro, K., Uusõue, M., Ondrusek, M., Greb, S., Moses, W.J., Lohrenz, S., & O'Donnell, D. Remotely estimating total suspended solids concentration in clear to extremely turbid waters using a novel semi-analytical method. Remote Sensing of Environment, 258, 112386,
2020 Balasubramanian, S. V., Pahlevan, N., Smith, B., Binding, C., Schalles, J., Loisel, H., Gurlin, D., Greb, S., Alikas, K., Bunkei, M., Moses, W., Nguyen, H., Lehmann, M. K., O’Donnel, D., Ondrusek, M., Han, T.-H., Fichot, C. d. G., Moore, T., & Boss, E. Robust Algorithm for Estimating Total Suspended Solids (TSS) in Inland and Nearshore Coastal Waters. Remote Sensing of Environment. 111768,
2020 Pahlevan, N., Smith, B., Schalles, J., Binding, C., Cao, Z., Ma, R., Alikas, K., Kangro, K., Gurlin, D., Hà, N., Matsushita, B., Moses, W., Greb, S., Lehmann, M. K., Ondrusek, M., Oppelt, N., & Stumpf, R. Seamless retrievals of chlorophyll-a from Sentinel-2 (MSI) and Sentinel-3 (OLCI) in inland and coastal waters: A machine-learning approach. Remote Sensing of Environment, 111604,
2019 Özkundakci, D., & Lehmann, M. K. (2019). Lake resilience: concept, observation and management. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 1-8.
2019 Lehmann, M. K., Nguyen, U., Muraoka, K., & Allan, M. G. Regional trends in remotely sensed water clarity over 18 years in the Rotorua Lakes, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 1-23,
2018 Lehmann, M. K., Nguyen, U., Allan, M., & van der Woerd, H. Colour Classification of 1486 Lakes across a Wide Range of Optical Water Types. Remote Sensing, 10(8),
2018 Wang, S., Li, J., Zhang, B., Spyrakos, E., Tyler, A. N., Shen, Q., Zhang, F., Kuster, T., Lehmann, M. K., Wu, Y., & Peng, D. Trophic state assessment of global inland waters using a MODIS-derived Forel-Ule index. Remote Sensing of Environment, 217, 444-460,
2015 Janssen, A. B. G., Arhonditsis, G. B., Beusen, A., Bolding, K., Bruce, L., Bruggeman, J., Couture, R. M., Downing, A. S., Elliott, J. A., Frassl, M. A., Gal, G., Gerla, D. J., Hipsey, M. R., Hu, F. J., Ives, S. C., Janse, J. H., Jeppesen, E., Johnk, K. D., Kneis, D., Kong, X. Z., Kuiper, J. J., Lehmann, M. K., Lemmen, C., Ozkundakci, D., Petzoldt, T., Rinke, K., Robson, B. J., Sachse, R., Schep, S. A., Schmid, M., Scholten, H., Teurlincx, S., Trolle, D., Troost, T. A., Van Dam, A. A., Van Gerven, L. P. A., Weijerman, M., Wells, S. A., & Mooij, W. M. Exploring, exploiting and evolving diversity of aquatic ecosystem models: a community perspective. Aquatic Ecology, 49(4), 513-548,
2009 Lehmann, M. K., Fennel, K., and He, R.: Statistical validation of a 3-D bio-physical model of the western North Atlantic, Biogeosciences, 6, 1961-1974,
2004 Lehmann, M. K., Davis, R.F., Huot, Y., Cullen, J.J. The use of spectrally-weighted transparency in models of water-column photosynthesis and photoinhibition by ultraviolet radiation, Marine Ecology Progress Series 269: 101-110,
Publications (not peer-reviewed)
2024 Lehmann, M.K., Blaha, F., Cagua, F., & Bigler, B. A framework to evaluate the economic hardship implications of high-seas transhipment activities in the Western Central Pacific Ocean. In, Technical and Compliance Committee Twentieth Regular Session (p. 70). Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia: Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission,
2023 Lehmann, M.K., & Charley, M. The importance of maritime domain awareness in fighting illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. SPC Fisheries Newsletter, 169, 58-68,
2022 Lehmann, M.K., & Middleditch, A. Satellite dark vessel detection for maritime domain awareness. INFOFISH International, 6/2022 (PDF available on request), Summary.
2019 Giardino, C., Kõks, K.-L., Bolpagni, R., Luciani, G., Candiani, G., Lehmann, M. K., Van der Woerd, H. J., & Bresciani, M. The Color of Water from Space: A Case Study for Italian Lakes from Sentinel-2. In. IntechOpen.
2018 Lehmann, MK and Hamilton, DP: Modelling water quality to support lake restoration in Lake Restoration Handbook: A New Zealand Perspective. Eds. Hamilton, DP, Collier, K, Howard-Williams, C and Quinn, J. Springer.
2017 Lehmann MK, Hamilton DP, Muraoka K, Tempero GW, Collier, KJ, Hicks, BJ: Waikato Shallow Lakes Modelling. ERI Report No. 94. Environmental Research Institute, Faculty of Science and Engineering, The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
2016 Lehmann MK, Schallenberg LA and Allan M: Feasibility of Aquatic Environmental Monitoring by Remote Sensing for the Waikato Region. ERI Report No. 87. Client report prepared for Waikato Regional Council. Environmental Research Institute, Faculty of Science and Engineering, The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Conference presentations
2022 Lehmann, M. K., Gurlin, D., Pahlevan, N., Graffeuille, O. & Balasubramanian, V. S. GLORIA: Global community dataset of in situ radiometry and water quality. Ocean Optics XXV, Quy Nhon, Binh Dinh, Vietnam.
2020 Lehmann, M. K., Hawes, I., Allan, M. G., & Muraoka, K. Prediction of the optical water type of lakes from catchment properties. Presented at the Ocean Sciences, San Diego, USA.
2019 Lehmann, M. K., Cotter, S., Doscher, K., Harding, J., Kargren, R., Kelbe, D., Miteff, S., Rabel, H., Scarlet, E., Schafer, R., Steel, D., & Uckun, T. New Zealand as a Calibration and Validation Partner for Satellite Imagery. Presented at the ESA Living Planet Symposium, Milan, Italy.
2018 Lehmann, M. K., Nguyen, U., & Allan, M. G. (2018). True colour of 1,400 New Zealand lakes: clean, green and pristine? Presented at the Ocean Optics XXIV, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
2017 Lehmann MK, Nguyen U, Allan M: Colour and observation frequency of all New Zealand lakes from Landsat 8. International Ocean Colour Science Meeting 2017. 15 May 2017 (Poster), Lisbon, Portugal
2017 Lehmann MK, Nguyen U, Allan M: New Zealand-wide lake colour statistics from spaceborne sensors, ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, USA.
2016 Leys V, Lehmann, MK: Multi-inlet migration modeling for navigation channel management in Tabusintac Bay, Eastern Canada, 35thInternational Conference on Coastal Engineering, Antalya, Turkey.
2016 Lehmann MK, Nguyen U, Allan M: New Zealand-wide lake colour and visibility statistics from spaceborne sensors, New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society Conference, Invercargill, New Zealand.
2015 Lehmann MK: Quantitative assessment of water quality improvements in Lake Rotoiti as a result of the diversion wall, New Zealand Freshwater Sciences Society Conference, Wellington.
2014 Session Chair for “The Future of Solar Energy is Bright!” at the 2014 Nova Scotia Energy R&D Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
2013 Lehman MK: Eutrophication Modeling: Assessment of Eutrophication in Estuaries by Dynamic Ecosystem-hydrodynamic Models, presentation at the Canadian Heritage Rivers Conference, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
2008 Lehmann MK. Environmental control of phytoplankton size distribution, Seminar, Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax.
2008 Lehmann MK, Fennel K, He, R, Wilkin J. A bio-optical product from a coupled bio-physical ocean circulation model of the western North Atlantic, ICES Annual Science Conference, Halifax.
2008 Fennel K, Previdi M, Lehmann MK, Wilkin J, He R, Najjar R. Modelling biogeochemical processes on the North American east coast continental shelf, ICES Annual Science Conference, Halifax.
2008 Lehmann MK. A bio-optical product from a coupled bio-physical ocean circulation model of the western North Atlantic, Ocean Sciences, Orlando.
2005 Lehmann MK, Cullen JJ. Stochastic methods to quantify the effect of environmental variability on plankton ecosystems, Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Vancouver.
2000 Lehmann MK, Davis RF, Huot Y, Cullen JJ. Poster: Biological weighted transparency: A predictor for water column photosynthesis and its inhibition by UV radiation, Ocean Optics XV, Monaco.
2000 Lehmann MK, Attenuation of UV radiation, and the potential for biological in lakes, Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Antonio.